Elyse Taylor Art
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Elyse Taylor: Watercolors
1966 San Francisco Backyard (30x40)
Workshop 1967 (20x27)
unnamed leaves
unnamed fireworks
unnamed flowers in vase
unnamed lilac flowers in vase
unnamed owl eyes abstract
unnamed people sitting
unnamed village with river
unnamed boats
unnamed abstract
Overview Of The City 1969 (18x24)
unnamed beach scene
unnamed empty glass vases
unnamed eyes and claws
unnamed Little Leager
unnamed mother and infant baboons
unnamed nun
unnamed people sleeping
unnamed tiger
unnamed village
unnamed abstract
unnamed buildings
unnamed flowers orange
unnamed flowers red
unnamed flowers
unnamed leaves
unnamed lots of people
unnamed oval with nude people
unnamed parrots
unnamed people clustered
unnamed people sitting
unnamed shapes
unnamed village and hills
unnamed village landscape
unnamed village
unnamed village with horse cart
unnamed abstract
unnamed geometric abstract
unnamed leaf abstract
unnamed leaves
unnamed owl small
unnamed owl
unnamed two owls
unnamed two owls small