Elyse Taylor Art
Growing Squares
← Elyse Taylor Growing Series: 2002
Elyse Taylor Growing Series: 2004 →
Elyse Taylor Growing Series: 2003
There were 22 panels produced in 2003. (Slide for No. 497 missing.)
Serve (491)
Peacock (492)
All Square (493)
Pain (494)
Walk The Walk (495)
Keynote Speaker (496)
Four Square (498)
Triangle (499)
4 Birds (500)
7 Verticles (501)
Eldora (502)
2 Brown 1 Grey (503)
Big Secret (504)
Viewing Art (505)
The Dots (506)
Clouding Up (507)
59 Men (508)
To The Beat (509)
Drawn To It (510)
Zig Zag (511)
Old & New (512)